Monday, January 4, 2016

Put Your Smart Phone Down.....

I am going to write about something that I have been talking about nonstop lateley....

Smart phones.  I love my iPhone just as much as the next person.  I get my work email and personal email on it and it is how I keep in touch with the people I love.  Heck, it is even my camera.  BUT!!!!!!!!!  Surely I am not the only one who wants to smash peoples phone screens at least three times a week!  I get so angry at people on their phones.  And I'm not talking about the normal stuff that drives us all crazy.....the people talking too loud on their phone, etc.  I'm talking about my friends, my family, people I love.  It drives me crazy when I am with someone talking one-on-one and they are looking at their phone....checking email, replying to texts, answering calls, browsing social media.  The lure of what is on that small screen pulls people away from what is right in front of them.  When did it become normal to not live in the moment?  I think it is unacceptable.  You can't possibly know how many times a week people walk into my office, presumably to talk to me, and within seconds whip out their phone and begin typing away.  And the conversation I thought we were carrying on becomes very one-sided.  And then I get this response - "mmmm....yeah....mmmmm.....uh huh....wait, hold on a minute".  Followed by the always sure to come, "now what were you saying, what were we talking about"?  Ummmmm......hello?  Sooooo not okay, people.  I've even had friends pay more attention to their emails and texts when I have been crying about some situation that was serious to me.  And I'm sure I'm not the only one who has people they now avoid going to dinner with because they don't want to come second to their cell phone conversations and their texting.  Do you know how rude that is?  I can't even....I just can't deal with it.  So that is why I've decided I'm not going to anymore.  And I don't think you should tolerate it either.  And if you are guilty of doing this?  Then shame on you!  Hey, if there is something that is an emergency....okay.  And by emergency, I mean someone you know or love is involved in an accident.  Or someone you have been trying to contact suddenly contacts you.  Then answer the phone.  But excuse yourself from the room.  And when you are done, come back and finish your conversation with the person you were talking to....because it is the decent, well-mannered thing to do.  And you look like an ass when you don't.  Technology does not give you permission to be rude.

It makes my heart sad that people spend so much time looking at a screen.  I know I was guilty of it when I was younger.  But if getting older has taught me anything it is that what is going on right now in front of your eyes deserves your undivided attention.  Family dinners, dinner with friends, dates, holidays, vacations....people miss the fun and great and WONDERFUL stuff happening in the moment because they are too busy "snap-chatting" what is taking place.  Or posting to Instagram.  Or texting someone who isn't there.  Just stop.  The people you are with in the moment deserve all of you.  Period.  And it is rude to give them anything less.  Leave your phone at home.  Or leave it in the car.  Turn it off.  So much life....wonderful, happy, awesome, blessed, beautiful LIFE is happening right in front of you.  Not on your phone.  Look up and live it.  Enjoy it.  :)  

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