Saturday, November 14, 2015

Let's Talk Social Media Idiocy......

Tis the season for seeing dead animal pics (deer) on social media....Falalalala Lalalala.  Stop. 

Now on to other social media posts that make me cringe....

I don't use social media that often because every single time I do, I see someone being ignorant.  And crazy.  And just plain unnecessary.  And I loathe stupidity. I do, however, enjoy taking screen shots of other peoples insanity and sending them to my friends.  Because if you have the right to be publicly stupid, then I have the right to a good laugh. 

Social media is not your diary:  Instagram is not your diary...Facebook is not your diary...Twitter is not your diary.  Nor is social media to be used in place of a personal text message.  Share pics of your cute kiddos.  Show pics of your adorable pets. Tell people something funny to make them laugh.  But for the love of all that is holy, don't tell us you are fighting with your spouse, that you are sitting and crying all day, that you have no friends, blah, blah, blah.  Why?  Because we don't care.  And because you aren't genuine.  People who cry out for help via social media are attention seekers.  Period.  And you don't deserve attention based on stupidity alone.  Because I am busy.  And so is everyone else.  Stop. 

Commenting back and forth with your significant other via social media?  What the hell!  Are you not sitting in the same house as them?  And if you aren't, do you not have their cell phone number to text them instead?  Because your conversation is personal.  And you are annoying as hell.  I don't need a peek inside your personal ridiculousness.  No one does.  It makes people embarrassed for you.  Stop. 

Facebook has always been a cesspool of extreme ignorance.  But when Instagram came along, I thought to myself...finally, a place where people can just post pics and not "say" a bunch of stupid stuff.  Wrong.  Some people have really outdone themselves.   I admire these people's persistence.  Too bad it isn't used for, say, employment.  

Let's talk selfies.  What are you doing?  I promise you that we know what you look like or we wouldn't be "friends" with you in the first place.  I get taking one if you are out with a friend or your spouse and there is no one to take your pic.  They are acceptable sometimes.  But the daily, filtered shot of you in your car, you on your couch, you at work, you at school, you at the gym, you with your Starbucks cup, whatever.....Why?  Do you really admire your own beauty so much that you think we should all see it too?  I don't get it.  No one does.  You are embarrassing yourself.  Stop.  

Taking selfies and typing song lyrics as the caption?  WHAT?  Do you know how many great songs have been ruined for me this way?!  I've even seen a couple of people post photos of themselves crying and listing song lyrics and the artists as if the song moved them to tears. I can't make this shit up. 

#genuwine  #pony
Are you moved by my photo (and yes, that's a zit between my eyes..underneath a mole...because I am fabulous)?  No?  Then stop. Because you are proving to the world what most of us have known all're a moron. Someone recently ruined Adele's new song "Hello" for me by posting themselves "crying" (can you say eye drops) and hashtagging "Adele" and "Hello". Why Adele?  Come on, she didn't deserve that. And neither did I. Next time you want to take a photo of yourself fake crying and post it, why don't you hashtag "Nickleback" and "Rockstar"...that way you don't ruin a GOOD song for us all.  

Another one of my favorites...when the big boobed gals take selfies and "oops" they have too much cleavage but throw caution to the wind and post the pic on social media anyway.  Are you for real?  Look, you can't fool me...I have big boobs.  So I know for a fact that "you can help it".  Girl, they didn't jump in front of your camera like a squirrel running in front of your car.  Here's an idea...maybe make better decisions.  Maybe your "sitting in your car selfie" really wasn't worth posting since your boobs were on display.  Maybe take a selfie in a different shirt.  Or maybe don't take a selfie at all.  You are setting a stellar example for your kids.  Some people should not have Internet access because they can't be trusted not to do something ridiculously foolish.  Stop.    

Pyramid Schemes.  Stop. 

Most people don't know this fun fact....but you can actually eat organic and/or gluten-free and exercise until you drop without telling people. I know, I know...shocking. If you are doing it to hold yourself accountable?  Ok, I can see that (maybe...big maybe).  If you are doing it to look like a bad ass?  You're not. Stop. 

"Keep my name out of your mouth."  "I just cleaned up my friends list so if you can see this I kept you around."  And all the passive aggressive posts.  Good lord, stop.  Stop.  Stop.  Stop.  
I recently saw the most ridiculous, extreme post on Instagram .  I was left speechless.  Which never happens.  Naturally, I took a screenshot and sent it to all my friends.  Because people aren't THAT publicly ignorant everyday and this was definitely one for the record books.  Plus, this post was so outrageous that people may not have believed it if they weren't able to see it for themselves.  Of course I want to put the screenshot on this blog.  I won't.....but I want to (that little gem is gonna live in infamy in my iCloud).  All I'm gonna say is that you should never ever ever post anything along the lines of wanting to be naked in bed all day with someone.  Especially when your kids follow you.  That is not okay. No.  Just no. STOP!

If I don't stop myself here, I will literally end up with the longest blog post in history.  There is so much more I want to add, but I had to narrow it down to my "favorites".  I guess at the end of the day, I am thankful for all the stupid stuff people say and do on social media because it provides me with entertainment galore which in turns provides my friends with entertainment....because we really are screen shotting the dumbest of the dumb and sending them as a form of entertainment.  That's one of the reasons they say that once you post something to social media, it is never really gone.  Go ahead, delete it.  But I promise you it lives on in infamy somewhere...probably in the hands of someone you know.  Like me.  :) 

 I would love to be able to take a fabulous selfie with my cleavage showing, tears running down my cheeks and using the hashtags #michaeljackson and #thriller all while trying to sell you something grand while on the treadmill as a conclusion to this blog post.  Unfortunately, I'm not that talented.  But if I were, you would all be in for a real treat!  

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